I think that when we set off neither Suzy or I had any idea we'd be trudging knee deep in snow, skating on icy hills on a cliff edge with winds strong enough to blow us off. There were times when we literally had to stop in our snowtracks, crouch down and pray that the long gust abated so we could hurridly make some progress before the next one nearly blew us off.
It's the only time on my trip when I've thought that maybe a debtors meeting would have been preferable if a little less adventurous.
The laguna at the top was pretty, but we could hardly see if for the snow being blown straight into our eyes and the silly angle we had to anchor ourselves at for fear of being blown away back down into the arse end of no-where (no, it's not a pretty little touristy town) El Chalten.
I guess I sort of feel I "achieved" but I will never again do such a silly trek. However, the walk up and walk down (so just take out the 2 hrs in the middle) were really beautiful and enjoyable and not anywhere near as dangerous. Seeing an Eagle at such close proximity was really special too.
Oh the "Las Malvinas son Argentinas" was a sign (seen everywhere in Patagonia) that was right next to the immigration station in Argentina on our way in from Chile to El Chalten.