So the ruins are just a short walk from Copan Ruinas town centre. I went with the Australian lady and we tagged along to a tour with an american family. The most striking thing about Honduras in comparison to Mexico and Guatemala is that everyone here speaks amazing English. Oh and their totally stressed unlaidbackness.
The ruins were pretty cool. The setting was beautiful with amazing lush hills surrounding them. I am officially Mayan Ruined out now though.
So Thursday afternoon after the ruins I bought my luxurious bus ticket (so figuring Honduras must be richer than Guate as it has amazing buses) to get to La Ceiba on the north coast to be able to get a boat over to Roatan to meet my cousin Nadine.
Then when relaxing in a bar with happy hour I receive a message from Nadine saying she's in ER in NYC with appendicitus and can't go anywhere but not to tell her parents and that she was just waiting to hear if they'd operate that night. So the next few hours were spent trying to track down my aunt and uncle in Conneticut to get hold of her and get to the hospital to visit her. A big thank you to everyone who helped me do that in a slightly clandestine way of not wanting to contact my parents in order not to worry her parents before I found out exactly how she was. Overnight her appendix burst. Not good. But thankfully she was still in the USA and not on the Bay Islands as it's pretty remote and there is no hospital here!
There was a power cut at about 8pm on Thursday night (while all above was going on) in Copan Ruinas. It was probably the first time I had no torch on me and man it was DARK! I had my mobile phone and had to light up the street with that to get back. So early to bed it was for me. I got the bus up to La Ceiba anyway and met another Stephanie from the USA on route. She's married (unhappily) and travelling alone so we got a hotel together and had a nice meal last night.
I'm gutted that Nadine isn't here as was really looking forward to a week with her but thankful that she's being well looked after in a great hospital.
So now I need to make some plans of what to do for the rest of my trip. Feeling a little directionless. But I have a lovely view of the water so might just read in a hammock and let the universe provide the plan for me.
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