Todos Santos is at the highest point in Central America. It's absolutely beautiful. They have horrible food. Lots of dogs, and everyone wears the same. See picture below.
They take sauna's in their houses. We took one. It's small! It was really quite surreal. In a town where no alcohol is drunk I think they expected us to strip in front of them on their balcony!

They don't like having their photo taken. We only managed this one as we paid these two guys $40 to take us to the bus stop. Still our journey to where I am writing this from consisted of: the car in the picture Todos Santos to Tres Caminos, microBus down the mountain to road stop, a walk through the road in construction, another microbus to Huehue centre, a local microbus to the
highway near the terminal, a walk through the market, a chicken bus to Cuatro Caminos, a "first class" bus to Los Encuentros, another chicken bus to Sonina (we think) a sort of taxi to Panajachel and a boat to San Pedro. Thankfully it's lovely here despite the rain!
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