Friday 20 August 2010

Boquete, Panama, Sendero de los Quetzales

I arrived in Boquete yesterday afternoon exhausted after a long day. Two lovely Israeli girls cooked me dinner though which was fab. Then early to bed. STarted today with a fab yoga class - with all the expat retirees but the class was good and a lovely Canadian lady drove me around town showing me where everything was before dropping me back at my hostel. Couldn't have been a warmer welcome. Then another Israeli (also sweet, but utlimately got on my nerves, keeps calling me darling, and was trying to get me into a private room, I'm not impressed) and I decided to do the Sendero de los Quetzales which is where these pics are from. It's not more interesting than other stuff I've done, it's just there is a better internet connection here so I can upload more photos!

The river I walked through was absolutely freezing but ultimately feeds the whole drinking water for the town and it's incredibly clean. It's a novelty to drink from the tap after months of plastic pollution.

We didn't see any queztales and the highlight really was getting a lift in the back of a truck with lots of men who moved their machetes out of the way for me to sit down. I did manage to take a photo out of the back though. I was cold and wet and itching to get away from the guy by the time I got back to the hostel. I've definitely had worse days in my life though. The walk was absolutely stunning.

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